Redefining Leadership & Management 2.0: What must it include?

Photo Credit: Ulrik De Wachter

Over a very long weekend that I am “suppose to be resting”, I have spent my time contemplating the coin phrase of “2.0” that is being utilized especially in the tech world.  Can it really apply to management and leadership after all the crisis and disasters we have seen globally?  As I sat around to hear the official word on CEO Tony Hayward resigning from BP, I initially think back to all the Greek philosophy and research Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle performed during their time in looking at politics, people, and community as organisms instead of machines. You have to say, they did have some type of impact during Alexander the Great’s rule!   Continue reading

What Would 5 Founding Fathers Say Today on Leadership?

Photo Credit: Mateusz Stachowski

Back in high school and college days, I spent an ample amount of time studying pre WWI history.  I was always intrigue by the founders of our nation that were so brave to take that next step.  Not that I agree with every action our forefather’s took, you will have to agree with me though, it took some guts though to accomplish laying the foundation 234 years ago for the country that we have today.  I mean, how often do you find a Adams as theologian, Thomas as philanthropist, Washington as plantation owner and militia strategist, Franklin as scientists/inventor/writer,etc all in one room drafting one of the most unique documents of all times?  I think if you had all of these people in the same room today would it be feasible to write a Declaration of Independence?  Probably not!  It would probably be a Declaration of Disaster… Continue reading

Sacrificing Safety: What is it worth?

I have taken a few days (or rather weeks) off from social media and been observing a few national events.  (Of course I’ve also been working out of town in Historic Rugby, TN as music director on fundraising theatre production as well that has created a small delay in blogging).  One thing that strongly sticks out in my mind is the compromise of safety for the game of P&L profit.  Between the oil spill, coal mine explosion, and Toyota recalls, China labor strikes,I question just where did we leave off the learning that people are not indispensable? Continue reading